Constitution and By-Laws


Revised October 2012


     The name of the organization is The William Whyte Resident’s Association, Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as WWRA or the Association.


The WWRA is a not-for-profit organization of people from the community.  The WWRA is dedicated to creating a safe, healthy and vibrant community for everyone who visits, lives in or works in the area.  The William Whyte residential boundaries are: west side of Main St, to the east side of Arlington St, the south side of Redwood Ave, to the north side of Selkirk Ave (also both sides of Selkirk from Salter to Arlington).



3.1              WWRA aims to improve the William Whyte area
The WWRA responds to the concerns for the benefit of the William Whyte community.  Concerns may be related to but not necessarily limited to:

1.            People in need (e.g., of information, children, elderly)

2.            People living in the area (e.g., renters, homeowners, in care)

3.            People working in the area (e.g., business, schools, government and organizations)

4.            The environment (e.g., animals, trees, parks, buildings, empty lots, sanitation).


3.2              WWRA will respond to community concerns

The WWRA will respond to concerns raised in the community.  Activities may include:

1.      referring individuals to existing services, programs and resources

2.      carrying-out neighbourhood improvement activities

3.      advocating as a voice on behalf of the area

4.      forming alliances with business, government, schools, social service and religious organizations to work on neighbourhood improvement activities

5.      responding to other concerns as identified by consensus of the membership.

3.3              WWRA principles

In meetings and related activities in the community, WWRA members/volunteers shall be guided by the following principles:

1.      Everyone is to be treated with courtesy and fairness

2.      Everyone has the right to be heard in WWRA meetings and activities

3.      Everyone is to respect the abilities, beliefs and property of others

4.      Decisions will be made by consensus of the members.



4.1       Members and voting

Every person living within the William Whyte residential boundaries shall be considered as a member.  WWRA members who are of the age of majority (18 years) are eligible to vote at WWRA regular monthly meetings and at the Annual General Meeting.  Votes shall be done by show of hand or by secret ballot.

4.2       Annual General Meeting and Regular Meetings open to the public

Any person with an interest in the William Whyte area may attend and participate in WWRA regular meetings.  Non-residents may take part in discussions but are not permitted to vote.

4.3       WWRA members are unpaid volunteers

Any WWRA member who takes part in WWRA activities does so on a volunteer basis without remuneration.  Authorized expenses incurred on behalf of the Association may be reimbursed at the discretion of the board (see section10.3).

4.4       WWRA members as employees or WWRA staff

Notwithstanding section 4.3, and in accordance with community economic development principles of hiring within the community, the Association may employ WWRA members for the purpose of organizing or coordinating special projects.


5.1              Reporting a conflict of interest

A conflict of interest may exist when a WWRA member, their significant other, relative or individual known to the member.

-     has a personal interest in WWRA activities or

-     may commercially gain from WWRA payment of goods or services.

WWRA members or non-residents attending a WWRA meeting must make it known when there is a potential conflict of interest.

WWRA members or non-residents who report a conflict of interest will not be allowed to use personal influence, make a motion or vote on the matter.  At the request of others at the meeting, the member or non-resident may be asked to briefly state his/her position on the matter and answer questions.  The minutes will record that a conflict of interest was disclosed and that the member abstained from the vote.


6.1                   The WWRA is administered by a voluntary board of directors

The WWRA is an elected board of directors.  The WWRA board is an active “working board” of no less than 4 and no more than 12 directors.  Directors are nominated from the WWRA membership.

The board of directors consists of:

-   Co-chairs (2 individuals)

-   Secretary

-   Treasurer

-   Up to 8 Directors at Large.

6.2       Executive officers

The Executive Officers oversee the financial, legal and day-to day business of the WWRA.  The Executive Officers are the 2 Co-chairs and the Secretary and Treasurer.

6.3       Terms of office

Terms of appointment to office shall normally be 2 years.  Directors appointed in mid-term will serve to completion of that term.  Each co-chair shall begin their term on opposite years.  The Secretary and Treasurer will begin their term on opposite years.

A director shall not normally serve more than 2 consecutive terms (i.e., 4 years in total as a director at large), unless appointed to as an executive member.

Directors appointed as an executive officer shall not normally serve more than 2 consecutive terms (i.e., 4 years in total as an executive officer).

6.4       Nominations and Election Procedure

            Membership/Nominations Committee

In May of each year, an ad hoc committee of 1 director and 2 general members shall be formed to identify board vacancies and to prepare a slate of potential nominees.  The recommendations of the ad hoc committee will be presented at the September regular monthly meeting.

Preference will be given to nominate WWRA residents who have the skills that have been identified as a need (e.g., chairing committees, accounting, fundraising, recruiting volunteers, etc.)


Directors shall be elected by vote at the WWRA Annual General Meeting in October.  Newly elected Board members are to be elected as Directors at Large and the executive positions are to be voted in at the first scheduled board meeting following their assuming office.  Directors will assume office by November 1st for a 2 year term ending on October 31st.

Board resignations or position abandoned

Directors who resign must do so in writing to the Board. 

Directors who are absent from 2 consecutive board meetings without prior notice to one of the Executive shall be considered to have abandoned their position.  The Executive will notify the Director in writing that his/her position has been deemed abandoned because of no contact.

Removal of a Director

A Director may be removed when she/he has not acted in the best interests of the organization (i.e., questionable or illegal actions).  A motion to remove a director may be presented at a regular monthly meeting or board meeting.

The Board will then hold an “in camera” meeting to review the motion within 1 week. The Director under review will be given the opportunity to present his/her evidence and witnesses, if necessary.  The vote to remove a Director must be passed by a majority.  The Director in question and the Director making the motion will abstain from the vote.

The decision of the Board to remove a director shall be presented to the membership at the regular monthly meeting for ratification.  The decision of the membership shall be binding and not subject to further appeal.

            Board vacancies

If a Director resigns, abandons or is removed from the Board of Directors, the remaining Board of Directors shall assume responsibility for the outgoing Director until the AGM or recommend that an interim election be held.  A Board member who moves outside of the boundaries of William Whyte while holding a position on the board will have the option of completing their term but cannot run for re-election.  The board member will retain their voting rights while on the board.


7.1       Board oversees WWRA

The Board shall be responsible for all aspects of the Association, namely, membership, resources, budget, contracts, agreements and public relations.

7.2       Co-chair duties

            A Co-chair shall preside at the regular monthly meetings and at board meetings, as well as serve as an “ex-officio” member of standing committees.  The Co-chairs are responsible for:

-   providing leadership to the WWRA and the Board of Directors

-   providing progress reports of activities at the regular monthly meetings and board meetings

-   overseeing public relations activities such as marketing, visibility in the community, media inquiries, etc.

-   acting as the official representative(s) of the WWRA

In the absence of or incapacity of one of the Co-chairs to act, the remaining Co-chair shall assume the duties and responsibilities.

7.3       Treasurer duties

-   Provide a current account of all monies received, disbursed and owing at the regular and board meetings

-   Ensuring the WWRA financial and legal documents are completed (e.g., audited or verified financial report, Revenue Canada statements, incorporation papers, charitable status, board insurance, etc…)

-   Overseeing the annual report of the WWRA activities and a verified financial statement to be made available at the October Annual General Meeting.

-   Ensure that the WWRA financial documents pertaining to grant applications are completed in conjunction with the coordinator.

7.4       Secretary duties

-   Maintain membership lists, meeting agendas, minutes, etc…in partnership with the coordinator

-   Preparing or causing to be prepared incoming and outgoing correspondence of the association

-   Ensuring that the WWRA grant applications are completed in partnership with the coordinator

7.5       Director(s) at Large duties

The Director(s) at Large shall be responsible for providing a leadership role in meeting the terms of reference of a committee as identified by the WWRA members at the regular monthly meeting.  This role includes:

-   overseeing committee activities and keeping activities within the budget

-   recruiting and developing volunteers and

-   providing progress reports at the regular monthly meetings and board meetings.

7.6       Staff

In the event that WWRA hires staff, the Board will identify the duties and activities of the staff.  The staff will provide a monthly report of activities to the Board of Directors.



8.1       Terms of reference

Terms of reference will be identified for each standing (i.e., permanent) and ad hoc (temporary) committee.  The Terms of Reference will specify the committee name, the committee’s purpose, budget and time frame to report to members.

8.2       Standing Committees

      The standing committees and their chairperson are:

            Committee                                                   Chairperson

-   Board Leadership, Public Relations          Co-chairs

-   Finance                                                      Treasurer

-   Membership                                               Secretary

-   Clean-up and Community Image               Director at Large

-   Housing                                                      Director at Large

-   Safety                                                          Director at Large

-   Park revitalization/recreation                      Director at Large


8.3       Ad Hoc Committees

Ad hoc Committees may include but are not limited to board nominations, review of the WWRA Constitution and By-laws, volunteer recruitment, fundraising, special events, etc.


9.1       Meeting procedures

Robert’s Rules of Order will normally be followed for the meeting agenda, making a motion and calling for a vote.

9.2       Quorum

For WWRA business to be conducted, the number of members present at the meeting must be:

                  General meeting                         15 WWRA members

                   Board meeting                             one half plus 1 of the board of directors.

9.3       Minutes

Minutes shall be kept of all regular monthly meetings, board meetings and the Annual General Meeting.  Copies shall be distributed to those attending or normally attending meetings or upon a request of member.

9.4              Frequency of meetings (Attachment 1)

Regular monthly meetings

Regular monthly meetings shall be held the second Wednesday of each month from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., with the exception of July and August.  The September WWRA Newsletter shall provide a list of the dates of the regular monthly meetings.

            Board meetings

Board meetings shall normally be held between the regular monthly meetings to conduct on-going WWRA business.  The schedule for board meetings shall be established prior to the September WWRA regular monthly meeting.  In the case of a special meeting, the co-chairs shall provide advance notice of at least 48 hours.

            Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will occur during the first hour of the October regular monthly meeting.  The business of the AGM shall be:

                    -To accept the WWRA annual report on activity and the audited or verified financial statements for the previous 12 months

                  -     To elect new directors to vacant positions as required and

                  -     To amend the WWRA Constitution and By-laws as required.


10.1     Fiscal year and accounting

  The fiscal year is April 1st to March 31st.  A report on WWRA resources and budget shall be available at each regular monthly and board meeting.  The WWRA finances and bookkeeping shall be reviewed on an annual basis by an Accountant.

10.2      Signing authority

The signatures of 2 executive officers (i.e., a Co-chair and or Secretary or Treasurer) are required to withdraw money from the WWRA account or to pay for goods and services related to WWRA activity.  Cheques for reimbursement for any board members who have signing authority cannot be signed by themselves (cannot sign own cheque).
10.3     Only pre-approved expenses to be reimbursed

WWRA directors or members who pay out-of-pocket for expenses without authorization will only be re-imbursed if the expense is approved by the board and recorded in the minutes.  Receipts must be provided to the Treasurer for re-imbursement.



11.1     Resolutions

Ordinary or special resolutions may be passed at meetings by way of a majority.  “Majority” refers to more than one half plus one of WWRA members in attendance where a quorum is present.

11.2      Constitution and By-laws

The executive may call a special meeting of the membership to deal with changes to the constitution at any time and does not need the meeting to coincide with the AGM.  Notification to the membership via newsletter is needed to announce proposed amendments to the constitution at least 1 month prior to voting.  Proposed amendments may be advertised in the newsletter or made available at the general meeting 1 month prior to the actual vote.

11.3     Dissolution of WWRA

      Upon dissolution of the WWRA, after satisfaction of all debts and liabilities, any remaining funds and assets shall be distributed to another not-for-profit organization working for the benefit of the William Whyte area.  The outgoing members will identify the organization.

The preceding WWRA Constitution and By-laws were approved and amended at the WWRA AGM October 13, 2010.
WWRA vision for (2011 to 2016)
WWRA will work to make the William Whyte area a prize-winning example of urban renewal.  The area will maintain its historic character as a neighbourhood where people care about each other and where everyone can have a sense of belonging.
Based on the annual priorities as outlined by the William Whyte Residents Association the William Whyte neighborhood will have a strong community of people working together to create a better place.  Our neighborhood will offer a:
-   Safe area for people, property and the environment
-   Clean, attractive street, properties, parks and gardens
-   Quality housing and buildings
-   Recreation and leisure activities, particularly for youth.
Board meetings shall normally be held between the regular monthly meetings to conduct on-going WWRA business.  The schedule for board meetings shall be established prior to the September WWRA regular monthly meeting.
The Annual General Meeting shall be held in October for the purpose of:
  • presenting the Annual Report and the audited or verified financial statements for the previous 12 months
  • to elect any new Directors as required and who are to assume office by November 1
  • to ratify any changes to the WWRA constitution & By-Laws (if applicable)
1.                  Call to order
  • introductions
  • review of how meetings are conducted, making motions, residents eligible to vote
2.         Approval of minutes of previous meeting
3.         On-going business
4.         Committee reports
5.         Correspondence
6.         New business
7.         Adjournment
1.                  Call to order
  • introductions
  • review of how meeting are conducted, making motions, residents eligible to vote
2.                  Executive Reports: Annual Report, Financial Statements
3.                  Constitution and By-law Amendments (if applicable)
4.                  Elections – Board of Directors
5.                  Adjournment
Parliamentary procedure recognizes the views and rights of each member and ensures that decisions for action are made in a democratic way.  For meetings, quorum must be met (i.e., number of people necessary to have a meeting) and an agenda followed.  Business is conducted by way of motions, discussion and votes.
The Chairperson presides over the meeting and calls on individuals to speak.  A member may make a motion about an idea for members to consider.  Another member must second the motion.  If no one seconds the motion, the motion stops.
For example:
A motion about an idea:
1st member       “I move that WWRA buy a new computer for the office”
2nd member      “I second the motion”
            The group discusses the pros and cons of buying a computer.
A motion to amend the idea:
1st member       “I move that motion be amended to add “not greater than $2,000.”
2nd member      “I second the motion”
            The group discusses to pros and cons of the amended motion.
The vote on the motion or amended motion:
Chairperson     “The motion is ‘new computer not greater than $2,000.  Motion to vote.’”
2nd member      “I second the motion to vote.”
Chairperson     “All in favour?”
Members vote by show of hands.
The Chairperson states whether the motion is passed or defeated.
5.1       “Proposed amendment:
 To change the boundaries of the WWRA to include both sides of Selkirk Ave. between Salter to
Arlington.  Our boundaries would then coincide with the City Of Winnipeg’s definition of the William
Whyte boundaries.                              Amendment passed June 9, 2004
5.2       The executive may call a special meeting of the membership to deal with changes to the constitution at any time and does not need the meeting to coincide with the AGM.
                                                                                Amendment passed June 8, 2005.
5.3       Article 2 - Purpose
Add in city of Wpg. Map that shows the William Whyte boundaries.
Article 3.1
The WWRA responds to the concerns for the benefit of the William Whtye community.
Concerns may be related to but not necessarily limited to:
1.       People in need (e.g., of information, children, elderly)
2.       People living in the area (e.g., renters, homeowners, in care)
3.       People working in the area (e.g., business, schools, government and organizations)
4.       The environment (e.g., animals, trees, parks, buildings, empty lots, sanitation).
Article 3.3 WWRA principles
In meetings and related activities in the community, WWRA members/volunteers shall be guided by the following principles:
Article 4.1
Every person living within the William Whyte residential boundaries shall be considered a member.  WWRA members who are of the age of majority (18 years) are eligible to vote at WWRA regular monthly meetings and at the Annual General Meeting.   Votes shall be done by show of hand or by secret ballot.
Article 6.1
The WWRA is administered by a voluntary board of directors
The WWRA has an elected board of directors.  The WWRA board is an active “working board” of no less than 4 and no more than 8 directors.  Directors are nominated from the WWRA membership.
The WWRA Board of Directors consists of:
o    Co-Chairs (2 individuals)
o    Secretary
o    Treasurer
o    Up to 4 Directors at Large
Article 6.2
Executive officers
The Executive Officers oversee the financial, legal and day-to-day business of the WWRA.  The Executive Officers are the 2 Co-Chairs and the Secretary and Treasurer.
Article 6.3
Terms of office
Terms of appointment to office shall normally be 2 years.  Directors appointed in mid-term will serve to completion of that term.   Each co-chair shall begin their term on opposite years.  The secretary and treasurer will begin their term on opposite years.
Article 6.4
Board vacancies:
If a Director resigns, abandons or is removed from the Board of Directors, the remaining Board of Directors shall assume responsibility for the outgoing Director until the AGM or recommend that an interim election be held.
A board member who moves outside of the boundaries of William Whyte while holding a position on the board will have the option of completing their term but cannot run for re-election.  The board member will retain their voting rights while on the board.
Article 7.3
Treasurer duties
·         Provide a current account of all monies received, disbursed and owing at the regular and board meetings
·         Ensuring the WWRA financial and legal documents are completed (e.g., audited or verified financial report, Revenue Canada statements, incorporation papers, charitable status, board insurance, etc…)
·         Overseeing the annual report of the WWRA activities and a verified financial statement to be made available at the annual general meeting.
·         Ensure that the WWRA financial documents pertaining to grant applications are completed in conjunction with the coordinator.
Article 7.4
Secretary duties
·         Maintain membership lists, meeting agendas, minutes, etc… in partnership with the coordinator
·         Preparing or causing to be prepared incoming and outgoing correspondence of the association
·         Ensuring that the WWRA grant applications are completed in partnership with the coordinator
Please note that article 7.4 Director(s) at Large duties will now become article 7.5 and article 7.5 Staff will become article 7.6
Article 8.2
Standing Committees
The Standing Committees and their chairperson are:
Committee                                                                            Chairperson
-       Board Leadership, Public Relations                     Co-chairs
-       Finance                                                                 Treasurer
-       Membership                                                          Secretary
-       Clean-up and Community Image                          Director at Large
-       Housing                                                                 Director at Large
-       Safety                                                                    Director at Large
-       Park revitalization/recreation                                Director at Large
Article 10.1
Fiscal year and accounting
The fiscal year is April 1st to March 31st.  A report on WWRA resources and budget shall be available at each regular monthly and board meeting.  The WWRA finances and bookkeeping shall be reviewed on an annual basis by an accountant.
Article 10.2
Signing authority
The signatures of 2 Executive Officers (i.e., a Co-chair and or secretary or treasurer) are required to withdraw money from the WWRA account or to pay for goods and services related to WWRA activity.
Cheques for reimbursement for any board members who have signing authority cannot be signed by themselves (cannot sign own cheque).
Article 11.2
Constitution and Bylaws
The executive may call a special meeting of the membership to deal with changes to the constitution at any time and does not need the meeting to coincide with the AGM (See attachment 5: Amendments Article 5.2).  Notification to the membership via newsletter is needed to announce proposed amendments to the constitution at least 1 month prior to voting.  Proposed amendments may be advertised in the newsletter or made available at the general meeting 1 month prior to the actual vote.
WWRA vision for the next 3-5 years (2006 to 2010)
WWRA will lead the William Whyte area to become a prize-winning example of urban renewal.  The area will maintain its historic character as a neighbourhood where people care about each other and where everyone can have a sense of belonging.
Based on the annual priorities as outlined by the William Whyte Residents Association  the William Whyte neighbourhood will have a strong community of people working together to create a better place.  Our neighbourhood will offer a: 
                      -     Safe area for people, property and the environment
-     Clean, attractive streets, properties, parks and gardens
-     Quality housing and buildings
-     Recreation and leisure activities, particularly for youth
Amendments to Articles 2, 3.1, 3.3, 4.1, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 7.3, 7.4, 8.2, 10.1, 10.2, 11.2
passed March 8, 2006
5.4          Article 6.1                           
                The WWRA is administered by a voluntary board of directors
                 The WWRA is an elected board of directors.  The WWRA board is an active “working board” of no less than             4 and no more than 12 directors.  Directors are nominated from the WWRA membership.
The board of directors consists of:
-    Co-chairs (2 individuals)
-    Secretary
-    Treasurer
-    Up to 8 Directors at Large.
            Article 6.4
                Nominations and Election Procedure


                Membership/Nominations Committee

In May of each year, an ad hoc committee of 1 director and 2 general members shall be formed to identify board vacancies and to prepare a slate of potential nominees.  The recommendations of the ad hoc committee will be presented at the September regular monthly meeting.
Preference will be given to nominate WWRA residents who have the skills that have been identified as a need (e.g., chairing committees, accounting, fundraising, recruiting volunteers, etc.)
Directors shall be elected by vote at the WWRA Annual General Meeting in October.  Newly elected Board members are to be elected as Directors at Large and the executive positions are to be voted in at the first scheduled board meeting following their assuming office.  Directors will assume office by November 1st for a 2 year term ending on October 31st.
                Article 9.4
                Frequency of meetings (Attachment 1)
                Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will occur during the first hour of the October regular monthly meeting.  The business of the AGM shall be:
                 -      To accept the WWRA annual report on activity and the audited or verified financial statements for the previous 12 months
                        -       To elect new directors to vacant positions as required and
                        -       To amend the WWRA Constitution and By-laws as required.
Amendments to Articles 6.1, 6.4, 9.4 passed May 13, 2009
WWRA vision for the next 3 to 5 years (2006 to 2010) Amended to: for (2011 to 2016)
WWRA will lead the amended to: work to make the William Whyte area to become amended to:  a prize-winning example of urban renewal.  The area will maintain its historic character as a neighbourhood where people care about each other and where everyone can have a sense of belonging.
Based on the annual priorities as outlined by the William Whyte Residents Association the William Whyte neighborhood will have a strong community of people working together to create a better place.  Our neighborhood will offer a:
-    Safe area for people, property and the environment
-    Clean, attractive street, properties, parks and gardens
-    Quality housing and buildings
-    Recreation and leisure activities, particularly for youth.
Amendments to WWRA Vision passed October 13, 2010

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